14 October 2024

India Passenger Car Sales : 2024 (Jan-Sep)

A heavily protected market means few brands selling most of the vehicles. Is the protection really necessary to this degree? Absolutely not but it remains anyway. Suzuki offers value and reliable motoring with a wide range of small cars and would do so without import tariffs. The next three combined fail to equal the volume of Suzuki. 

Hyundai was being caught by Tata but that has stopped with the latter just short of the number two spot. Mahindra seems to have more of the momentum than Tata but moving on to a higher level but how far that will go only time will tell. Toyota shot past Kia with Renault and VW passing Škoda. 

The data is from varying sources, in some cases wholesale and in others retail. Some smaller brands aren't listed and some of the totals by brand may be a tad conservative. The numbers are not perfect but close and it does paint a reasonable picture of the market. It appears as if total sales are down in September but varying sources have differing figures so I won't be emphatic on that. 

Data source: BHP & manufacturers. Photos from manufacturers. 

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