22 January 2025

Greece Passenger Car Sales : 2024

Registrations were up 6% in December and ahead 2% for the completed year. Toyota is taking a strong lead here with 17.2% of the total and a 41% growth in market share. Toyota took the lead in 1998 and has been at the top since apart from a few years here and there. It's the highest market share it's had so far. 

Suzuki has moved up over the last two years and thanks to a 37% increase in share now resides in second place. Below that there are some serious changes in fortune. Nissan is up and Opel down two examples of that.

Data source: SEAA.


  1. Toyota was indeed at the top spot in 1998 (for the 3rd time in Greece), but in 2000 went to second place and went further down to No 4 in 2001. From then on it's just as mentioned above.

    1. Hello Billy. Yes, I have the same figures as you so as to why I missed them I can only assume I was rushing and didn't take the care I could have done. Anyway, I've done an amendment. Thanks for the heads up.
