11 March 2020

Land Rover Discovery Sport Global Sales (By Nation) : 2018/19

Solitude can help one reflect on the meaning of life

Sales for the year were down 13%. China led the way, as it has for some years now. The update that took place this year was unusually comprehensive. It rides on a new platform, has the option of becoming a mild hybrid with many improvements inside. It looks much the same though, which isn't a bad think as the design is a strong point of the model. One thing that stays the same is its off road ability.

18 19 Country 2019 % Inc 2018

1 1 China 28,360 -9% 31,166

2 2 UK 17,141 -14% 19,941

3 3 USA 12,337 3% 12,035

4 4 Italy 3,253 -29% 4,603

5 5 Korea 2,900 -28% 4,041

8 6 Germany 2,424 -12% 2,749

6 7 Brazil 2,357 -19% 2,897

7 8 Australia 2,185 -24% 2,890

9 9 Russia 1,325 -14% 1,541

10 10 Canada 1,076 -24% 1,412

13 11 France 996 -21% 1,260

11 12 Belgium 898 -35% 1,392

12 13 Spain 862 -38% 1,390

14 14 Switzerland 635 -10% 709

15 15 RSA 348 -50% 699

16 16 Poland 345 -22% 444

17 17 Austria 325 -7% 350

21 18 Ireland 252 36% 185

19 19 Taiwan 238 26% 189

24 20 Sweden 227 108% 109

18 21 Netherlands 176 -47% 335

20 22 Mexico 148 -21% 187

26 23 Czech Rep 122 16% 105

24 24 Slovakia 75 -31% 109

27 25 Portugal 62 -36% 97

23 26 Romania 59 -56% 135

34 27 Estonia 42 147% 17

28 28 Finland 40 -34% 61

30 29 Denmark 40 33% 30

38 30 Greece 26 189% 9

37 31 Egypt 22 100% 11

29 32 Norway 12 -66% 35

32 33 Kazakstan 8 -64% 22

39 34 Myanmar 3 -50% 6

Others 4,255 4,359

Sales 83,574 -13% 95,520

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