12 March 2015

Hong Kong / Singapore Premium Brand Comparison 2014

MINI is preferred in Hong Kong

I used to think that Singapore residents bought more premium and luxury cars than anywhere else, certainly in Asia. This list contradicts that. First of all the cities are very similar in many ways. Car ownership has challenges in both city states. Singapore has a particularly unusual way of controlling car ownership, although it seems effective. I thought that would favour it in this comparison.

For size of the car markets, the ratio is 1:1.28 or 100 Singapore car sales to 128 in Hong Kong. So while not dissimilar in size, HK is slightly bigger. The yellow segment shows which marques are favoured in Singapore and blue for Hong Kong.

First we look at premium cars. The volume sellers are in Hong Kong's side and that would make them the bigger buyers of this type of vehicle. Jaguar and Volvo are more popular in Singapore while German brands more so in HK.

Brand Hng Kng Singapore Ratio

Jaguar 121 341 0.35

Volvo 341 910 0.37

Alfa Romeo 30 35 0.86

Land Rover 368 299 1.23

Mercedes 6,200 4,651 1.33

Infiniti 135 91 1.48

BMW 4,912 3,247 1.51

Audi 3,017 1,565 1.93

Porsche 924 375 2.46

MINI 725 193 3.76

Maserati 310 56 5.54

It becomes clear when addressing luxury marques that Hong Kong is the luxury car capital of Asia. All are bought more often in HK, even allowing for the ratio difference. Only Bentley goes close to the cut off point of 1.28. 

Brand Hng Kng Singapore Ratio

Bentley 97 70 1.39

Mclaren 21 11 1.91

Rolls Royce 40 19 2.11

Ferrari 71 31 2.29

Lamborghini 35 10 3.50

Aston Martin 24 4 6.00

Data source:  HK MTA and Singapore LTA.

A large win for Singapore with Volvo

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