01 August 2024

Audi Global Model Sales : 2023/24 (Q2)

Whenever deliveries contract, it isn't a good look in a world that perceives growth as a sign of a healthy company. However, volume doesn't always equate with profit. Besides, reduced sales can be for all sorts of reasons. In the car industry today, electric car volume is falling for many manufacturers and extracting profit from them can prove elusive. Increased costs are another issue that may necessitate backing away from less profitable sales such as fleet. 

For Audi, deliveries are down 8% YTD. It is across most of the range so it would seem a planned strategy. It's a balancing act between selling at a price that allows a reasonable profit and also keeping assembly plants as busy as possible. Business is about profit, something the car industry has not paid as much attention to as it should. Maybe that's changing. 

Data & picture source: Audi.

Regions: Europe remains the largest region for Audi but less so, with China closing in. The USA and the rest of the world are well behind. 

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