11 June 2024

Sweden Passenger Car Sales : 2024 (Jan-May)

Registrations were down 12% in May and minus 5% YTD. Volvo's market share of 18.5% is the best since 2018 which is an amazing number considering the fairly limited range of vehicles they offer. Local support at its best. A few years back, I thought that VW would eventually overtake Volvo as it closed the gap between them but that's an unlikely outcome for now at least as the gap widens. 

Toyota has passed Kia and eyeing up the second spot. Mercedes-Benz has come back after a couple of average years. Sweden's a place where things move around fluidly so change is very much the norm.

The best selling models for the year so far were:          Volvo XC60 (6,043)              Tesla Model Y (5,265)    Volvo EX/XC40 (3,774)      Volvo 60 Series (3,570)    Volvo EX30 (2,814).

Data source: Bilsweden.


  1. Thanks to you I just got a crash course in recent market developments. Thanks for it, I love your blog!

    1. I appreciate the feedback and glad it was of help.

  2. " Local support at its best"
    This actually takes too, Volvo's pricing at its domestic market outcompetes import brands.

    1. Local support has to be backed by the local industry. People will not pay top price out of loyalty.

    2. What I meant by the comment is if the price is reasonable, they get behind their local product.
