12 February 2020

Lebanon Passenger Car Sales : 2019

Hyundai dropped from 2nd to 4th in a frenzy of falling sales

The data below is accurate but does lack in a few details such as some brands are not included and in the case of ChangAn, an estimate. When I get more, I will amend the list. In the meantime, I may try to contact Carlos to see if he can put a word in for me.

2019 was a horror show for the car market here. This is the second annual decrease in sales but the 33.4% fall in this one year is enormous. It means that 2019 is 36% below the decade's average. I saw a list of the reasons why and frankly space won't allow me to elucidate.

Below, green is increase (a few managed it), salmon decrease but at least an increase in the slice of the pie while yellow is decrease above 33% (ouch). It will be interesting to see what 2020 brings. It doesn't look that bright.

16 17 18 19 Brand 2019 % +/-

1 1 1 1 Kia 3,205 14.6% -36%

3 3 3 2 Toyota 2,479 11.3% -40%

4 4 4 3 Nissan 2,349 10.7% -41%

2 2 2 4 Hyundai 2,272 10.3% -47%

5 7 7 5 Renault 1,397 6.4% 4%

6 6 5 6 Chevrolet 1,193 5.4% -29%

7 5 6 7 Suzuki 1,183 5.4% -23%

17 14 9 8 Honda 907 4.1% 0%

8 8 8 9 Mitsubishi 620 2.8% -41%

9 10 11 10 Mercedes 612 2.8% -27%

- 38 13 11 ChangAn 594 2.7% -5%

14 11 14 12 GM US 531 2.4% -11%

10 9 10 13 Mazda 479 2.2% -44%

12 15 16 14 Audi 367 1.7% -17%

21 16 12 15 Land Rover 364 1.7% -45%

11 13 18 16 BMW 353 1.6% 11%

13 17 20 17 Peugeot 213 1.0% -31%

22 24 25 18 Porsche 212 1.0% -17%

19 22 22 19 Subaru 211 1.0% -28%

29 25 23 20 Jaguar 208 0.9% -24%

20 26 19 21 Chrysler 202 0.9% -36%

16 21 17 22 VW 189 0.9% -44%

18 20 15 23 Infiniti 185 0.8% -60%

28 18 21 24 Lada 172 0.8% -42%

15 19 24 25 Dacia 146 0.7% -43%

25 28 28 25 Volvo 146 0.7% -26%

32 34 31 27 Seat 111 0.5% -19%

27 37 34 28 Lexus 108 0.5% 40%

24 27 30 29 MINI 106 0.5% -29%

- 12 35 30 Datsun 99 0.5% 57%

26 33 37 31 Opel 96 0.4% 78%

41 41 46 32 Trumpchi 92 0.4% 513%

30 32 27 33 Citroën 77 0.4% -63%

- - - 34 MG 63 0.3%

23 23 26 35 Ford 59 0.3% -76%

34 36 39 35 Fiat 59 0.3% 34%

- - - 37 FAW 38 0.2%

- - - 38 Soueast 34 0.2%

- 40 40 39 Alfa Romeo 33 0.2% -3%

33 30 29 40 Geely 31 0.1% -81%

35 29 33 41 BAIC 30 0.1% -66%

38 35 38 42 smart 28 0.1% -47%

37 43 43 43 Ssangyong 18 0.1% -31%

46 46 42 44 Chery 17 0.1% -37%

39 44 32 45 Å koda 15 0.1% -86%

36 39 36 46 Maserati 14 0.1% -75%

47 52 49 47 Lamborghini 13 0.1% 18%

45 49 50 47 Bentley 13 0.1% 44%

31 31 41 49 Daihatsu 10

Others 38 0.2%

Total 21,991

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