03 January 2018

Turkey Vehicle Production - Brand : 2015-16

Total production was up 9.4% in Turkey for 2016. A large gain in passenger cars more than offset a smaller loss in commercial vehicles. This year was a record in units made.

Passenger Cars. The main reason for the improvement was Fiat with a 156% increase in volume. The reason for that was the new Tipo model, which accounted for nearly 80% of Fiat assembly.

Passenger Cars
15 16 Brand Units '16 Share +/- Units '15 Share
1 1 Renault 340,000 35.6% 0.2% 339,240 42.9%
2 2 Hyundai 230,010 24.1% 1.5% 226,500 28.6%
4 3 Fiat 193,530 20.3% 155.8% 75,644 9.6%
3 4 Toyota 151,236 15.8% 30.5% 115,893 14.7%
5 5 Ford 24,514 2.6% 16.3% 21,083 2.7%
6 6 Honda 15,163 1.6% 19.7% 12,667 1.6%

Total 954,453
20.7% 791,027

Commercial vehicles. They didn't fare so well with production down 6.4%. Ford makes over half the total, with the Transit van produced here being very popular in Europe.

Commercial Vehicles
15 16 Brand Units '16 Share +/- Units '15 Share
1 1 Ford 309,235 58.2% -1.4% 313,539 55.2%
2 2 Fiat 189,965 35.7% -6.2% 202,610 35.7%
3 3 Mercedes 14,116 2.7% -41.0% 23,941 4.2%
5 4 Peugeot/Kars 5,647 1.1% -22.0% 7,239 1.3%
4 5 Isuzu/AIOS 5,240 1.0% -53.1% 11,162 2.0%
7 6 Mitsubishi 3,084 0.6% 5.5% 2,922 0.5%
6 7 Otokar 2,361 0.4% -48.8% 4,613 0.8%
8 8 MAN 1,826 0.3% 4.8% 1,743 0.3%

Total 531,474
-6.4% 567,769

Gr Total 1,485,927
9.4% 1,358,796

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