26 June 2023

One Million

One million hits! It started back in 2007 without any idea if there was much demand for this sort of thing. The first articles were basic in content and I have done nothing of note to promote the site. It picked up organically and at one stage was really humming. 

Then something happened to the site some years back where for a time posting new articles was all but impossible and popularity slipped. The traffic flow never quite returned to those highest levels but it still has ticked along. 

I've often talked about quitting but I have kept at it. From the beginning, no advertising was activated through Google ads. Comments that try to promote business are treated as spam. The principal behind the blog has been about sharing freely without personal gain. It's a shame there isn't more of that in the world. 

I don't have any connection with the car industry so I can write freely. The information is sourced by myself and no one has ever provided any information or data to assist me other that what can be sourced online. Many car manufacturers don't want to share much and that trend has increased. I would welcome anything I could use but of course without strings attached. 

The figures above show where the visitors have come from. The 'Others' figure seems high but some choose to hide that and I assume that would be the reason. Countries like Russia and France have exceeded my expectation while the likes of Canada and Australia the opposite. 

So for those who have enjoyed the ride, you are welcome.

Take care.  

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