07 January 2022

Tesla Sales/Production History : 2016-21

Tesla really got the ball rolling with electric cars, spotting a market ICE producers were reluctant to enter. Now they are playing catch up and Tesla needs to stay ahead of the game. It certainly isn't holding back on expansion and new models. 

Tesla has the advantage of being purely electric. Its factories are designed to make such cars, which are less complex to assemble. Its focus is clearer. It has the technology sorted. Government incentives are all toward electric cars. 

Below are delivery and production data. In 2016, the numbers were around 80,000. The following year 100,000 and 250,000 in 2018. 360,000 (2019), 500,000 (2020) and now 930,000 (2021). The growth has exceeded my expectations. 

Traditional car manufacturers are coming, certainly not pleased they allowed Tesla the opportunity to achieve what it has done (and continues to do). The empire is striking back but to what effect? We will have to see. 

Data and pictures : Tesla.

A new plant is being constructed in Texas (below) so there is no slowing up.  

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