07 February 2021

Samsung Model Sales : 2020

This marginal Korean brand owned by Renault is hard to place. It's basically confined to Korea and is tiny within those borders. The range is shrinking as well, so it's hard to see what the objectives are here. The company does make cars for the Renault-Nissan alliance which gives it added value.

Sales were +14% in 2020, which is a testament to how the local market is striding along. Sales are almost entirely due to just two models. The new XM3 crossover (above) looks interesting and its arrival meant the three other models lost a share of the company's total sales. The QM6 SUV (below) is the mainstay of the brand and did very well with 46,800 units sold. Between the two of them, they will carry the brand...for the time being at least.

Data source: Renault Group.

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