19 January 2023

Russia Sales : 2022

Registrations for December were -50% and for 2022 -59%. As dealers ran out of stock, sales fell for most brands and for local assembly procuring components. The '+/- diff' column below is for market share change so although Lada for example gained 30% in market share, its sales were actually -46%. The larder is almost bare.

Despite the problems for local manufacturers, Lada leads and will continue to do so provided they can make cars. Other local brands GAZ and UAZ increased their share too but in a collapsed market surely cold comfort. Chinese brands such as Haval, Chery and Geely upped their share as well and it will be interesting to see if they hold back sales or push for more. 

Luxury brand sales are not included as they are not reported but surely demand for such cars is limited with sanctioned hitting the wealthy. Premium brands are listed below though. These are grim times for car dealers in Russia. 

Data source: AEB.


  1. Shocking stats, though not undeserved. :(
    I was just wondering, what is the AEB as source? If this is the "Association of European Businesses", is it a reliable source? Though I can hardly imagine the Russian state propaganda is deserves any credibility these days....

    1. I've used the source for years and they seem reliable. The fact that the data is so unflattering would also suggest that to be the case. If they rely on car companies to provide the data, then they have no control over that.

  2. Hi
    For some reason comments from earlier reports are transferred to this 2022 article...
    I was wondering, with a market so devastated, it would be interesting to see the concrete sales figures of 2021, to see what this market share increase actually means.
    E.g. did Geely actually sell more cars?
    Also, is the "Diff" difference between annual sales number or between %?

  3. The article was an update of a partial year report so the comment was carried forward when it was updated for a full year.
    To explain the "Diff" column, most places do a percentage increase over a previous year but I do market share movement. It's a point of difference. In a boom market, sales being up looks good but if they lost some of their share, that's going backwards.
    In Russia lot's of minuses looks bad and not a lot stands out but taking a bigger slice of the pie stands out more the way I present the data.
    For the full year, Chery was +4% in volume, Geely -1%, Cheryexceed +264%, Changan -1% and DFM +213%. In December, Lada, UAZ nd GAZ were the top three selling brands.
