30 December 2020

Thailand Pick Up Sales : 2015-19

The pick-up market is huge in Thailand. They are almost exclusively locally made and despite seemingly no longer needing it, still heavily protected. I guess it keeps cheap Chinese models at bay. The Foton Tunland is trying its luck.

The Hilux and D-Max are slugging it out at the top, well above the rest. GM has given up on the Colorado, with few right hand drive markets taking the model and selling in small numbers in Thailand - where it was made - meant the business case for a new model didn't stack up. 

Mazda has a switched from a Ranger sourced model to an Isuzu one. Ford will now supply VW so it seems any chance GM had of securing an outsourced vehicle were squashed. Mind, you, they were losing money in Australia so GM has quit RH drive altogether now. 

For more on pick-ups, try these if you wish.

2019: Australia/New Zealand/South Africa 

2015-19: Belgium Denmark France Iceland Italy Sweden United Kingdom

Argentina Brazil Indonesia Thailand

2015: World Top 50

Indonesia Pick Up Sales : 2015-19

She seems proud of her parking effort. I'm not sure why

Protection is strong for the local vehicle industry. To make it you have to assemble locally, which is the way it is done in this region. It makes for a limited choice until the market is big enough to support several operations. It all got too much for Ford, which pulled out a few years back. 

Two model mop up most of the sales, the rest feeding off crumbs that fall to the floor. The Triton does very well, usually selling at a lower price point than immediate competitors. Overall sales are not that high with many locals only dreaming of owning a car or pick-up truck. 

For more on pick-ups, try these if you wish.

2019: Australia/New Zealand/South Africa 

2015-19: Belgium Denmark France Iceland Italy Sweden United Kingdom

Argentina Brazil Thailand

2015: World Top 50

Brazil Pick Up Sales : 2015-19

The Brazil market for pick-up trucks favours small units. This is well catered for by European marques, with Fiat and VW especially benefitting. They are based on on small cars which helps to keep them cost effective. As examples the Fiat Strada was from the Palio model (now on a new, dedicated platform for 2021), the VW Saveiro on the Gol and the Chevrolet Montana from the Corsa. 

The small utes have been losing out to their larger counterparts of late, with afore mentioned Strada, Saveiro and Montana all down the past five years. 

The Fiat Toro Hilux leads the mid-sized brigade, from the Hilux and the Chevrolet Colorado, which has losing a bit of ground over the past few years. 

For more on pick-ups, try these if you wish.

2019: Australia/New Zealand/South Africa 

2015-19: Belgium Denmark France Iceland Italy Sweden United Kingdom

Argentina Indonesia Thailand

2015: World Top 50

Argentina Pick Up Sales : 2015-19

These versatile vehicle sell well in Argentina. From some data I managed to find Japanese brands don't predominate. To sell in numbers here, there has to be a way to avoid steep import duty, either through local assembly or trade exemptions. 

The Toyota Hilux is comfortably the best selling, ahead of The VW Amarok and Ford Ranger. Further down, some small versions carve out a niche. Considering the volatility of the market generally, sales of this sort of vehicle are remarkably stable. 

For more on pick-ups, try these if you wish.

2019: Australia/New Zealand/South Africa 

2015-19: Belgium Denmark France Iceland Italy Sweden United Kingdom

Brazil Indonesia Thailand

2015: World Top 50