09 January 2022

Turkey Sales : 2021

Turkey is running its own race as local economic conditions dictate how sales are going. Registrations for December were just -46% and -8% YTD. Earlier in the year it looked like 2021 was going to outdo a good 2020 but sales crashed over the last four months.  

The '+/-' column below is comparing market share variance for 2021 with 2020. This sorts out which brands are improving their share. Renault and Fiat have both lost ground to the chasing pack of VW, Toyota and Hyundai. Peugeot and Opel were off the pace in '21. It's all somewhat jumbled with some decisive movements taking place. 

Point of interest: Renault has been the leader here for many a year with the odd hickup and it looked like 2021 was going to see it deposed by Fiat. However, a late rush of registrations over the last two months enabled Renault to scrape home by less than 500 units. 

Data source: ODD.

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