22 January 2024

Euro Country BEV Percentages : 2023

The list shows the percentage of sales for electric cars (BEVs). It excludes hybrids which would in some cases be quite different to what we see here. 

It's surely no surprise that the majority of BEVs are found to the north and west of the European region. They have more actively offered incentives to persuade buyers that way. They also would provide more comprehensive charging infrastructures. 

All this costs money and some countries have more to allocate to such endeavours. Cultural attitudes may play a part also. 

The list isn't to praise some and criticise others. I don't own an electric car and won't anytime soon. A hybrid is as far as I would go at this point. 

I view electric as a somewhat flawed ideal as it isn't as green as some want us to believe and for me there are practical concerns with ownership too. 

Individual mobility although convenient is inherently inefficient. It isn't going away for the time being so making it as cost effective while protecting the environment is the balancing act being played out. 

I colour coded the list into three bands. Green above 30%, blue 10 to 25% and yellow below 10%. 

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