02 February 2023

UK CV Production : 2012-22

The production of commercial vehicles in the UK is the best going back to 2012. What's not to like? Well, the fact that historically, the volume is poor. Going back to 1945, 122,500 units were made and it grew from there. The peak was in 1969 when nearly 466,000 CVs were made. 2020 heralded a low point. Now the numbers are returning. It sounds like a wildlife programme for an endangered species. Maybe an apt comparison.

Two fairly recent negatives were the ending of the Vauxhall Astra van in 2012 and a year later Ford ended UK Transit production. Leading up to their demise, neither was made in prolific numbers but for an already limited industry it was felt.

In better news, Stellantis has made a commitment to van production in the UK although car manufacturing for the firm is going altogether. That is no doubt helping but without a breakdown of production by brand it's speculating as to which company is doing what. LVEC is growing but as for the likes of Leyland DAF trucks and Alexander Dennis buses, I lack recent data. 

For 2022 40% of the volume is for the local market, but that tends to fluctuate. It was nearly 50% a year previous. The overall CV assembly industry is tiny but at least it is moving in a positive direction.

Data source: SMMT.

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