09 January 2024

France Passenger Car Sales : 2023

Registrations were up 14% in December and 15% YTD. The 'Diff' column shows market share change. With the semiconductor issue behind manufacturers, it's now a case of getting stock to customers. Over the last few years the French car market has been subdued so some pent up demand is now being satisfied. 

The traditional duo of Peugeot and Citroën are at historic lows when it comes to market share but that is not unexpected as choice increases and chasing volume is more than ever seen as a vain exercise. Renault is on the up and has regained the leading position after surprisingly surrendering it two years ago. Renault owned Dacia (picture below) is at a record high as this value driven brand flourishes. 

Tesla has been rather late to the party in France but has now entered the top ten list and presumably has its sights set higher. A few Chinese brands have joined the ranks but are yet to make too much of a splash, MG leading the charge. 

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