23 January 2023

Samsung Brand Model Sales : 2021-22

The brand is an oddity. It sells in Korea and doesn't do that well in conquering that market. The range is limited to three models, two are seen here in pictures. The other - the QM6 - is a medium to large SUV. 

On paper, there is no reason why they can't do better but the numbers would indicate that for many Koreans the brand flies below the radar. Global sales are listed below, effectively domestic sales.

Making cars for the Renault Group is its probable raison d'ĂȘtre, without that side to its business it couldn't possibly be viable. It will also make cars for Chinese firm Geely in the not too distant future. The vehicles look good but with the Hyundai/Kia/Genesis juggernaut to compete against, any sales are hard to come by. It deserves to do better.

Its use of the Samsung name expired this year and the company is now called Renault Korea. The Samsung conglomerate started the car company and retained a 20% share in the car venture after selling a majority of the company to Renault. It now plans to sell that minority stake. 

Data source: Renault Group.

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