30 January 2022

Lexus European Model Sales : 2020-21

Premium cars sell in large numbers in Europe so the 72,000 sales aren't huge. Most buyers can't see past three German marques which is a shame as their lack of imagination keeps them in a buying rut. Some of the marques that sell in modest numbers offer excellent alternatives. However, most premium buyers in Europe are buying a car to enhance their image so they stick to what they know will achieve that.

Lexus offers reliable motoring in a segment not known for it. The cars are conservative too and that doesn't help. The Toyota philosophy seems to be we do what we do to a high standard and trust that people will come around to our way of doing things. They have a calmness and patience about how they go about their business. 

The hybrid/electric percentage went up from 63% to 65% so not much change there. The UX model arrived in 2021 with the option of full electric propulsion. Without it, the percentage of this type of car would have fallen slightly. 

The three main models UX,  NX,  RX are of the crossover type and make up over 80% of registrations in the region. The ES mid sized executive car is the only other with volume of note. The 2% increase was modest but not unexpected. 

Data source: Toyota Group.

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