08 February 2021

Renault's China Brands Sales : 2020

The Shineray X30 range makes up most of Shineray sales listed below

Renault issues China sales data (as seen below) for brands not its own and is also broken down into models. I declined to elaborate on that beyond what you see, the model names mean little to people outside of China. However, it is of interest to know how this venture came about.

In 2017, Renault took a 49% stake in a company named Jinbei. The brand was owned by Brilliance Auto, who retained a 51% holding. The goal was to sell, Jinbei, Renault and Huasong LCVs although the Huasong seems to have since fallen by the wayside. Sales -35% for Jinbei and -98% for Huasong. The Renault brand is being pulled from China altogether.

Shineray is also owned by Brilliance Auto and Renault releases sales figures for that brand, +11%. I found getting information on that tie up elusive but wonder if it is the same as the Jinbei one mentioned above. Whatever the situation, Renault's involvement in China is minimal.

Data source: Renault Group.

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