28 March 2023

Range Rover Top Nations : 2022

 The Range Rover has come a long way from its beginning in 1970. It was a workhorse back then and it wasn't that popular initially. As it evolved into a posh, high riding luxury car and people's affluence grew it has certainly earned its keep.  

Others have followed it but not with the same offroad capabilities, which give it a uniqueness that appeals to many. It's nice to know it is so capable offroad even if that is never realised. 

The USA is a strong market for the car, with 30% of total sales. The UK is less than half of that and Germany less that a quarter of the UK. China is conspicuous by its absence as also a few other places as the 'Other' 50% would indicate. It was interesting to see Korea make the list. 

The data below is from various sources, not from JLR and sources can vary. One or two top nations may be missing. 

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