19 January 2024

Lucid Delivery/Production : 2023

Lucid makes a quality car by all accounts but translating the concept into reality isn't easy. As Lucid reached two years of production, quarterly deliveries are around the 1,750 unit mark and production is just over 2,000. Apparently, over 700 kit set cars were sent to Saudi Arabia to be assembled but that figure may not yet be included in the chart below.

Lucid has just opened an assembly plant in that Kingdom that has an initial capacity of 5,000 cars per annum. Its potential capacity is 155,000. Being responsible for the first such plant in that country is somewhat of a coup I would have thought. 

I assume the reason for production is higher than deliveries is due to cars in transit and also building up inventory. In that case, there will be a balancing out in due course. 6,000 cars were delivered in 2023 and 8,400 were assembled. 

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