16 January 2023

NZ Electric Sales : 2022

The government in NZ is providing rebates for electric car sales. It's to get people out of their fossil fuel cars and to embrace the new way forward. Has it been successful? If my maths hasn't let me down, 16,000 registrations out of 116,000 YTD equals nearly 14%. All things considered, a good result I guess. I get the impression that supply is better for electric cars which if correct is helping lift the volume too. 

The truth is for many, the purchase price is going to limit further acceptance unless the gap in outlay between fossil fueled cars and electric narrows. Likewise with range issues, the distance BEVs can go needs to improve, as does charging infrastructure. The time it takes to charge is also a factor for some no doubt. 

If the fuel cell alternative could also address the purchase price and a convenient filling station network, they would have more real world appeal but that isn't happening. The fuel cell route would interest me but they are not available here. 

As much as I like the driving experience of an electric car, they simply do not fit my situation. How many people are like me? That will determine how far the electric car movement will progress beyond where it is now. 

On to the data and Tesla accounted for over 40% of registrations in 2022. After that, BEV sales are spread fairly evenly. BYD has just arrived so to be that high already is impressive. However, putting the purchase price up already isn't. Hybrid registrations add up to nearly 18,000 and a mere 10 fuel cell cars isn't. 

Data source: MIA.

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