04 February 2022

Italy Top 50 Sales By Model : 2021

The top models are no surprise, small and local. I colour coded the list to show where brands historically originated. Mostly from Europe but the US is not badly represented and Asian models are gradually making inroads. 

You can't tell by the list but electric cars went from 32,500 to 67,500 units sold. They have now reached 4.6% so not that popular. Hybrids doubled in sales and were close to 500,000 or a third of all registrations so a large penetration indeed. 

Methane is 31,500 or 2% and CNG 108,000 or 7.3% of the total. Both of those fuel types are about the same as 2020. Petrol accounts for 440,000 sales (down from 520,000) or 30% of the total and diesel 333,500 or 22.5%, down from 33% a year before.

Data source: UNRAE.

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