19 February 2020

Kazakhstan Vehicle Sales : 2019

Registrations were up a healthy 22% for the year, still well short of the best of times a few years ago but still a third year of increase. About 75% of the cars sold here are locally assembled or imported from Russia, all other vehicles are subject to an import tariff.

Below, yellow represents sales being down, salmon up but loss of share and green a win on both counts. Lada leaped into top spot in 2018 and Hyundai nearly replicated that this year. Toyota has been the one on the receiving end on this occasion. Looking down the +/1 column have much variance there is. Brands bounce around like corks in choppy water.

16 17 18 19 Brand 2019 % +/-

2 2 1 1 Lada 15,401 20.2% 15%

3 4 3 2 Hyundai 15,365 20.2% 69%

1 1 2 3 Toyota 14,170 18.6% 15%

5 7 4 4 Kia 3,808 5.0% 33%

19 3 8 5 Ravon 3,565 4.7% 102%

6 5 5 6 GAZ 2,679 3.5% -3%

4 6 7 7 Renault 2,657 3.5% 28%

9 9 6 8 Nissan 2,395 3.1% -1%

8 8 11 9 UAZ 2,085 2.7% 40%

7 11 10 10 VW 1,799 2.4% 16%

11 13 12 11 Lexus 1,570 2.1% 10%

10 12 9 12 Kamaz 1,369 1.8% -14%

14 15 13 13 JAC 1,342 1.8% 7%

13 19 15 14 Škoda 1,054 1.4% 30%

12 10 14 15 Chevrolet 897 1.2% -21%

21 16 18 16 BMW 766 1.0% 41%

20 20 19 17 Mitsubishi 711 0.9% 33%

22 17 17 18 Subaru 636 0.8% -13%

23 18 20 19 Mercedes 450 0.6% -2%

26 27 21 20 Mazda 390 0.5% 15%

36 29 23 21 Isuzu 293 0.4% -2%

15 14 16 22 Lifan 244 0.3% -69%

- - 37 23 Ankai 242 0.3% 178%

28 33 30 24 Daewoo 217 0.3% 42%

33 31 26 25 Infiniti 204 0.3% 0%

24 28 22 26 Land Rover 188 0.2% -41%

- - - 27 Dong Feng 170 0.2%

- 30 32 28 Shacman 155 0.2% 24%

- - 34 29 Volvo 141 0.2% 48%

39 36 31 30 Porsche 136 0.2% -11%

- 35 24 31 Ural 127 0.2% -49%

38 37 35 31 Jaguar 127 0.2% 35%

34 25 28 33 Audi 125 0.2% -33%

42 38 42 34 MAN 117 0.2% 185%

17 - 38 35 GM US 114 0.1% 111%

Others 508 0.7%

Total 62,428

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