08 August 2019

Italy Production : 2017-18 (By Brand)

175,000 Panda cars were made in Italy in 2018

Total passenger car production was down 9.7% in 2018. Fiat (-10%), Alfa Romeo (-25%) and Maserati (-35%) were the reason and Jeep (+30%) was unable to counter that. Alfa and Maserati have both moved into SUV sales and after an initial spurt, are returning to more realistic volumes. Fiat production will continue to fall as it pulls back in Italy.

Passenger Cars
17 18 Brand Units '18 Share +/- Units '17 Share
1 1 Fiat 315,011 47.0% -9.9% 349,499 47.1%
2 2 Jeep 198,066 29.5% 10.1% 179,883 24.2%
3 3 Alfa Romeo 109,814 16.4% -25.4% 147,245 19.8%
4 4 Maserati 34,312 5.1% -35.4% 53,125 7.2%
5 5 Ferrari 9,416 1.4% 5.1% 8,956 1.2%
6 6 Lamborghini 4,313 0.6% 9.6% 3,934 0.5%

Total 670,932
-9.7% 742,642

The utility side of production looks in better shape with a small 2.6% decrease. Fiat and Iveco are the reason  for the fall while the PSA duo increased volume.

Utility Vehicles
17 18 Brand Units '18 Share +/- Units '17 Share
1 1 Fiat 166,191 42.7% -8.4% 181,429 45.4%
2 2 Iveco 82,559 21.2% -3.6% 85,621 21.4%
3 3 Peugeot 73,434 18.9% 8.4% 67,736 17.0%
4 4 Citroën 62,718 16.1% 3.1% 60,852 15.2%

Others 4,234 1.1% 7.7% 3,930 1.0%

Total 389,136
-2.6% 399,210

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